What we do

We consider ourselves as optimum mix of experience and energy. The association of ours in Coal Bed Methane in India from early days, has given us the practical incubation. The learning by trail and error, visualization, experimentation, cost constraints are the main ingredients of our learning process. The failures, subsequent success and variation of the results in different operating condition is the phenomenon, which has given us enough of confidence and can be termed as experience in words and spirit.
Flavor of every Coal Bed Methane project is it’s unique character and conditions under which the nurturing is needed, to make the project flourish. Having focus on the end consumer is the guiding principle , we tend to follow in the plan and acts.
We will be happy to help any project with the specialized expertise; we accumulated all through these years. The nature of assistance can vary from consultancy on different aspects of the field development to having the experts on the ground to serve the accountability.